The Evolution of COMETSA

The Monthly CometsaDevelopment.Africa HOC Development Drive

The Monthly CometsaDevelopment.Africa HOC Development Drive

BACK TO OUR ROOTS! BACK TO THE FUTURE! That’s the energy driving COMETSA Development Agencies (CDAs) NPCs as they unveil their Human, Organisational, and Community (HOC) Development Drive on COMETSA Global Online Channels. A Bold New Chapter The launch of the COMETSA Development Agencies (CDA) NPCs website, www.CometsaDevelopment.Africa, has officially set the wheels in motion […]

The Formation of Cometsa

The Formation of Cometsa: From Development Football to a Multi-Development Organisation

Picture this: a young boy, Sam Tsima, kicking up dust in the streets of Moripane Village while tending to his grandfather’s livestock. Little did he know that his love for football would later evolve into a multi-faceted development organisation that would touch many lives. Cometsa’s story is a journey of passion, dedication, and a dream […]

Cometsa The Concept

Part 2: COMETSA – The Concept

COMETSA is an acronym for Consulting Methods by Sam Tsima. It took Sam almost five years to search for the name of his organisation that would resonate with his diverse knowledge areas and interests. He fell in love with two concepts: consulting and methodology. It was okay to call himself a consultant, but he felt […]

Sam Tsima in Brief! The Evolution of COMETSA

Overview of Sam Tsima and COMETSA’s Inception Sam Tsima’s remarkable journey from his roots in Moripane, a rural village in Limpopo Province, to the establishment of COMETSA is a story of perseverance, global exploration, and a deep commitment to development and entrepreneurship. His early experiences, shaped by a supportive family and community, laid the groundwork […]

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