
Book Overview: Holistic CAREER Development COACHING and MENTORSHIP Perspective!

AN OVERVIEW of Sam Tsima’s Book: Holistic CAREER Development COACHING and MENTORSHIP Perspective! By Sam Tsima Hello readers! I am thrilled to share insights into my book, Holistic Career Development Coaching and Mentorship Perspective, a unique workbook designed as a guide and companion for individuals embarking on their personal and professional development journey. I created […]

Authorship Development – Practitioner’s Perspective

AUTHORSHIP Development! Practitioner’s Perspective! The A-to-Z Insights for the Aspiring, Emerging and Experienced Authors! This is about the art of Writing a reflective Book! Each of us has a unique story that has the power to transform lives. However, these stories must be captured to resonate with readers. Writing is a different medium from oral storytelling. […]

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