Cometsa Development Agencies is made up of diversified agencies and enterprises. They are the Socio-Economic Development Arm of COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd, although they are independent and have an independent Board of Directors. The administration is performed on a fee basis by COMETSA Shared Services. Each Agency produces its financial reports. These financial reports are not consolidated into COMETSA GoC International (Pty) Ltd since the agencies are separately registered companies. The agencies implement and/or support their community projects and sometimes collaborate. Most projects are funded by independent individual and/or organisation donors who identified COMETSA as a preferred implementing organisation. The agencies/enterprises also identify and implement community development projects for clients’ Corporate Social Investment units.
Most projects are funded by independent individual and/or organisation donors who identified COMETSA as a preferred implementing organisation.
COMETSA Youth Development Agency NPC (Registration No. 2017/401270/08)
Type: a non-profit making organisation with a focus on youth development.
Vision: to be the leader in providing sustainable youth development and empowerment through education, training and development, coaching, mentoring, advisory, empowerment programmes, projects, and initiatives.
Mission: identify youth development and education gaps and source appropriate programmes, projects, and initiatives to close the gaps.
Main Objectives: conceptualising, designing, and deploying youth development programmes and interventions.
Activities: coordinate and host the following youth development and empowerment activities:
Development and Empowerment Networks.
Coaching and Mentorship Sessions.
Training and Development Programmes
Development Workshops
Sport Development Programmes
Development and Empowerment Conferences
Development Seminars, Dialogues and Conversations
Entrepreneurship Development Summits.
COMETSA Capacity Development Agency NPC (Registration No. 2002/025913/08)
Type: a non-profit organisation focusing on developing the individual intellectual and organisation/community capacity to deal with the complexities of the modern, fast-changing world.
Vision: to be the leader in providing sustainable individual and organisation/community capacity development, education, training & development, coaching, mentoring community development, empowerment programmes, projects, and initiatives.
Mission: identify the individuals, organisations and communities development and education gaps and source appropriate programmes, projects, and initiatives to close the gaps.
Main objective: to conceptualise, design and deploy programmes, services and solutions through the following Business Units at the national, provincial and local levels.
COMETSA Sports Development Agency NPC (Registration No. 2001/005048/08)
Type: a non-profit making organisation with a focus on sports development in rural, peri-urban, urban, and township communities.
Vision: to be the most preferred sports development agency that channels development resources to needy sports development and community projects for and by sports persons and organisations.
Mission: identify sports and community development projects, programmes, activities, and events. Source and channel the funds to their implementation and ensure that the development of all sporting codes for the selected communities is sustainable over the long term.
Main objective: to conceptualise, design and deploy programmes, services, and solutions.
COMETSA Early Childhood Development Agency NPC (Registration No. 2019/511760/08)
Type: a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting and supporting early childhood learning culture and community volunteering development for life initiatives for children as they embark on their personal and educational development journey.
Vision: To promote early life-long learning culture, spot talent in the little ones and nurture them to great heights in life. To encourage and support early childhood learning culture and community volunteering development for life development initiatives for the children.
Mission: By contributing to capacity building and human capital development in the early childhood development and education sector
Main objectives: Source and coordinate funding for early childhood organisations, projects and programmes.
Support human capital development in the early childhood development and education sector.
Partner with other organisations that support early childhood development initiatives.
Collaborate with the providers of early childhood development.
Introduce Child Development Through Sports Interventions and Programmes at the various Early Childhood Centres.
Run Early Childhood Centres of Excellence in each Province in South Africa.
Lobby and Influence the Government on Early Childhood Policy Development.
Conduct and Support Research work in Early Childhood Development.
Conduct Early Childhood Development benchmarks with other countries and international organisations.
Link the young graduates from various Early Childhood Centres and Organisations to other COMETSA Development Agencies for continuous development and life-long learning.
Recruit these young graduates to join COMETSA Friends & Supporters Club NPO to become Community Development Volunteers for Life.
COMETSA Social Services Development Agency NPC (Registration No. 2019/564581/08)
Type: a non-profit organisation partnering with like-minded private and public organisations to maximise social services support usage and multiply the positive impact thereof. We are not a financial or grant distribution agency. Our ultimate objective is to help people move away from over-dependence on social grants and services where they can do so. However, we are also interested in augmenting public and private social services by mobilising, sourcing, and coordinating additional resources for suitable courses, especially in the rural and township areas.
Vision: To transition people from over-dependence on social services and grants to a more self-supporting style. Those who cannot be transitioned will be assisted to maximise the usage of the social services and multiply its impact on their life. This will include life & business coaching and mentoring to explore career development opportunities. For the elderly who are supporting their children and families with the social services grants, we will focus on the education and career development of these children and family members.
Mission: By restoring dignity to the recipients of social services and grants. Influencing Government policy development and creating capacity for the providers of social services. And by contributing to human capital development in the social services sector.
Main objectives: Source and coordinate funding for social services programmes, especially in rural areas and townships:
Restore dignity to those who are solely dependent on social services.
Lobby and influence Government policymakers on social services matters.
Contribute to capacity development in the social services sector.
Partner with Government agencies at national, provincial, and local levels to ensure quality service delivery.
Foster Public Private Partnerships in the social services sector.
Contribute directly to bettering the living conditions of the needy people.
Assist the current recipients of social grants transitioning from over-dependence on social services and grants.
Support our communities’ shelters, old age homes, and similar structures.
Mobilize volunteers to augment the Government social services initiatives.
Conduct and/or coordinate research work and benchmarks in the social services sector.
Provide internship opportunities for social science students at universities, colleges, and academies.
Facilitate exchange programmes between South Africa and other countries.
COMETSA Spiritual Services Development Agency NPC (Registration No. 2019/511676/08)
Type: a non-profit organisation providing spiritual services, projects, programmes and support to individuals and organisations from multi-denominations. The agency is not a church movement or a psychological services organisation. We support the good intentions, projects and programmes of organisations and individuals that aim to benefit the community/society members by lifting their spiritual being. We purposefully host services, festivals, seminars, workshops, and conferences to bring people from various denominations and faiths, encouraging them to work together and not condemn each other’s faith, religion, traditions, and belief systems.
Vision: To develop, promote, support, fund, and sustain inter-denominational programmes, events, projects, seminars, workshops, dialogues, conferences, and services.
Mission: By promoting inter-denominational and multi-denominational relationships (individual and organisational)
Main objectives: Coordinate spiritual enrichment programmes.
Host Gospel Festivals.
Coordinate religious-based seminars, services, workshops, dialogues, and conferences.
Promote and organise local and international religious tourism,
Source and coordinate funding for spiritual and religious projects, programmes, events, seminars, workshops, dialogues, forums, and conferences.
Support the church-building projects and initiatives of various church organisations.
Run regular joint spiritual sessions and services.
Invite religious leaders from diverse Churches to conduct sessions and services.
Promote and support Gospel music and artists (individuals and groups).
Promote and encourage unity and relationship among diverse religious formations.
Influence Government policies that directly or indirectly affect the religious sector.
COMETSA Retired Professionals Development Agency NPC (Registration No. 2019/511808/08)
Type: a non-profit organisation to keep retired professionals actively engaged in developing the country and the world through coaching, mentoring, advisory and consulting assignments. The motive is not for the retired professionals to remain employed but to continue sharing their wisdom and expertise with the young professionals and leaders.
Vision: To make sure that the knowledge, expertise, and wisdom within the “Golden Talent” (the retired professionals) continue to benefit the young professionals and leaders of our country and the world,
Mission: By deploying the retired professionals as volunteers in well-organised and funded coaching, mentoring, advisory and consulting assignments without returning them to full employment.
Main objectives: Make sure that knowledge is transferred from the retired professionals to the young professionals and leaders.
Create the opportunity for retired professionals to share their expertise and wisdom with the younger generations.
To sustain the health of the retired senior citizens.
Give retired professionals and senior citizens a sense of belonging and self-worth.
Confirms that retired professionals and senior citizens remain the shining light of every nation.
Look for international assignments in which retired professionals can volunteer their services and at the same time benefit from travelling opportunities that come with it.
Source and coordinate funding to support the Retired Professionals Volunteer Programme.
Coordinate joint Forums between retired professionals and young professionals and leaders.
COMETSA Women Development Agency NPC (Registration No. 2017/501948/08)
Type: a non-profit organisation focusing on women’s development.
Vision: to lead sustainable women’s development and empowerment through education, training and development, coaching, mentoring, advisory, empowerment programmes, projects, and initiatives.
Mission: identify women’s development and education gaps and source appropriate programmes, projects, and initiatives to close the gaps.
Main Objectives: conceptualising, designing, and deploying women’s development programmes and interventions.
Activities: coordinate and host the following women’s development and empowerment activities: